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Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Wanted: Crohns End Fundraising Goal of 10550 has been MET!!!

Hey Just wanted to sincerely thank everyone who was part of making this fund-raising goal a reality. Now, Reid will have an excellent start to get this documentary into action so that it can communicate the truth to people who don't know all of their treatment options. We will watch this documentary make history in the IBD community that is SET IN STONE lol 

Enough with the mushy stuff YOU GUYS rock and thanks again!!!!! Update below is as per REID Kimball 

-Jay aka Crohnsboy


Update #20 posted about 11 hours ago
Together we raised $10,655! Everyone deserves a round of applause and hugs. This is what modern technology can do for an unknown person like myself. I reconnected with old friends and made new ones. I wrote blog posts, did podcasts and saw many of you pitch in to help enlist your own circle of friends and family.
Every single one of you helped and I have nothing but deep gratitude for that. With the remaining time we have left, about 24 hours, we may as well try to get more pledges. The more money raised the better this film can become.
Either way, this will be used a spring board to show larger donors that over 100 of you spoke with your hard earned dollars that you want to see this film made. For each person I'm sure there are ten more like you who haven't had the chance to make their voice heard.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am amazed.